When you get the cremated remains of a loved one back from the provider, it can be important to know what to do with them. Some people choose to place them in urns or in niches, but that may not be what you want for your loved one. Scattering the remains is an option that lots of people opt for and you definitely want to consider it. If you are thinking about this, there are some choices that providers of cremation services in Santee, SC want you to keep in mind.
Casting the remains is perhaps the most popular scattering option. This involves releasing the remains into the air so that they can float away. This can be a beautiful tribute for your loved one. Most locations allow you to do this kind of thing but if you want to scatter the remains on private property, you do need to ask for permission before doing so.
Another option you have is raking the remains. You tip the remains into earth or sand and then blend them together in a meditative process that can give you the closure that you need. There are memorial gardens that allow you to do this, and there are many cemeteries these days that have spots just for this kind of ceremony. The meditative quality of this process can really allow you to have a beautiful service while you rake the remains and it can ensure that you come to terms with the death. If you are not sure where to have this kind of raking ceremony, you can ask the provider for help.
You can also choose a water ceremony. A water ceremony can be the scattering of the remains over a lake, a river, or the ocean, letting you say goodbye to your loved one as you do it. You can also lower the entire urn into the water, releasing it and allowing it to sink. If that is what you prefer, you need to think about purchasing a biodegradable urn. These can be made of wicker, sand, clay, and even salt. If you want to make sure that you know how to best have this kind of ceremony, ask the cremation services provider for help.
These are some of the most crucial options you have to consider when thinking about scattering the cremated remains of a loved one. You can choose to cast the remains, to rake them, or to have a water ceremony for them. They can all offer closure and acceptance of the death and they can all be helpful. If you want ton get started making arrangements for your loved one, you will want to think about reaching out to a Santee, SC cremation service provider like us at Avinger Funeral Home. We are here to ensure that you get the options that you want. Give us a call right now or stop by our location today for more information on the services we offer.