Scattering a loved one’s ashes can be a very moving and powerful experience. You are returning your loved one’s remains to a place that held great meaning to them in life. You and all those in attendance are also given the opportunity to say a final goodbye. After seeking cremation services near Holly Hill, SC, consider planning a scattering ceremony for family and friends to attend.
The first thing you’ll need to take into consideration is the location that you plan to scatter. It might be a special place from your loved one’s childhood, a favorite vacation spot, or somewhere that an important event happened in their life. Many places have rules and regulations on where and when the scattering of ashes is allowed, so it’s important that you do a little research first. If you’re planning to scatter on private property, you must seek permission from the property owner first. If you’re planning to do it in a public place, like a park or a beach, you should talk to local authorities and find out what regulations there might be. If your loved one wished for their ashes to be spread into the ocean, you must find the means to travel at least three nautical miles away from the shore. By doing some research beforehand and gaining permission, if necessary, you can move forward with your plans with peace of mind.
You should consider who you want to attend, as well. You might want to keep it more intimate, with just close family and a few special friends in attendance. With a group like this, you may offer each person a chance to spread a small amount of ashes, allowing them to say their own personal goodbye. You might just want it to be immediate family only, as well. Some people choose to spread the entirety of their loved one’s ashes, while others scatter only a small amount and keep the rest in an urn or interred in a niche. It’s up to you how you decide to plan this.
Some people choose to have a person present who can lead a small service in your loved one’s honor. Others might choose to play a significant song, or join everyone in prayer. You can offer time for people to step forward and share a fond memory of their loved one. You may want to incorporate flowers or some other similar type of biodegradable material into the scattering ceremony. You may even want to include a toast that everyone can participate in together to honor your loved one.
Scattering ashes is a meaningful and special thing that you can to do return your loved one to a place that meant something to them in life. After cremation services near Holly Hill, SC, have taken place, you have the option to store, bury, inter, or scatter your loved one’s ashes. Planning a scattering ceremony can return them to a significant place, as well as provide those in attendance with a sense of closure and peace.